Slices are a special kind of pointer that reference a contiguous subset of
elements in a sequence.
const std = @import("std");
const print = std.debug.print;
The easiest way to understand slices is to think of them as a single-item
pointer plus a length. The pointer tells you where the slice begins and the
length tells you its size.
const Slice = []bool;
pub fn main() !void {
Here, we define a slice using the [start..end] syntax.
slice begins at array[1] and ends just before array[4] .
var array = [5]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
const end: usize = 4;
const slice = array[1..end];
Functionally, slices are very similar to arrays. You can get their
length, index into them, and iterate over them.
print("len: {}\n", .{slice.len});
print("first: {}\n", .{slice[0]});
for (slice) |elem| {
print("elem: {}\n", .{elem});
All slices must have a runtime-known length. If, instead, their
lengths are compile-time known, the compiler will convert the slice into
a single-item array pointer for us.
const ptr: *[3]i32 = array[1..4];
In practice, single-item array pointers are just like slices.
The only real difference is that with array pointers, bounds checking
occurs at compile-time.
print("len: {}\n", .{ptr.len});
print("first: {}\n", .{ptr[0]});
for (ptr) |elem| {
print("elem: {}\n", .{elem});